Re-procurement of the Authority’s Door Access and Security System
REPORT TO; AD Technology & Change Management, Robert Ling
DECISION DATE: Tuesday 21 June 2022
It is recommended that the Authority proceed with a procurement for a supplier of Door and Security Access Systems through the KCS Framework (Y20011): Software Products and Associated Services.
The value of the contract is estimated to be up to £751,406.25 however the number of installations and support required is variable and may be impacted by LGR.
The duration of the contract shall be for an initial term of 2 years, with the option to extend (2 x 12 months). The potential maximum term is 4 years.
The Authority requires software in order to operate a door access control system for sites across North Yorkshire as well as maintenance and repairs of the hardware required to run the software.
In addition, there will be a requirement for hardware replacements where technology is now outdated as well as new installations of hardware for additional sites that require access control systems.
This procurement is a re-procurement of the existing Door and Security Access System contract which expires on 31 July 2022 and has no further options to extend.
Door and access security software is currently installed for 216 active controllers at 50 sites across the County.
The recommendation is to direct award the contract to the incumbent Supplier through the KCS Software Products and Associated Services Framework.
As per the Council’s Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules, Rule 11 states;
11.1 Tenders for Contracts which exceed the WTO GPA Procurement Threshold shall be invited and awarded in accordance with the PCRs
As per Rule 16.3, A Director does not need to invite OJEU Tenders in accordance with Rule 11 and 12, in the following circumstances:
(a) Purchases via Framework Agreements which have been established either by the Council or by other public sector bodies or consortia and where such Framework Agreements are lawfully accessible to the Council.
The use of an existing Framework Agreement is a compliant route to market.
It is recommended that the Authority direct award the contract for the Door and Security Access System to the incumbent Supplier through the KCS Software Products and Associated Services Framework.